Home Garden

Can an Interior Door to a Room Be Changed to Open in the Opposite Direction?

In small rooms especially, the direction that the door opens can make a significant difference. If the door opens to the left, for example, it may impede on your living space. If it opens to the right, the room will seem larger. It's possible to flip the direction that the door opens, but the process is time consuming.
  1. Overview

    • With virtually any door, it's possible to change it in three different ways. If it opens in and to the left, for example, you can change it to open in and to the right, or out toward the left or right. It's best to flip the side to which the door opens but not move it to open inward if it opens outward, and vice-versa. The latter requires removing not only the door's hinges, but also pulling the molding off the inside of the frame.


    • To begin the process of flipping a door, use a punch and hammer to knock the pins out of the door's hinges. Use a screwdriver to remove the hinge halves off the frame and the door. With a pencil, trace the outline of the top hinge on the opposite side of the door, then measure the door and trace the outline of the second hinge in the appropriate location. Repeat the same process with the door strike to flip it to the other side.


    • With a sharp chisel, carefully chip away enough wood from the door frame to enable the hinge to sit in the frame. Use the chisel to carve out the space for the door strike; a drill with the appropriate-sized bit will help drill out the hole for the door's tongue. This process is difficult and can be time consuming; if you rush this step, it's easy to chisel away too much wood. When you've chiseled out the spaces for the hinges, place each hinge in the spot and mark the position of the holes with a punch. Create pilot holes with a drill and a bit that's slightly smaller than the hinge screws. Mount the door strike with the mounting screws. Mount the hinge halves to the frame and mount the other halves of the hinges to the door so the hinges line up. Line up the hinges and slide the pins into position.


    • After you've successfully flipped the door, use wood filler to fill the holes left after you removed the hinges and door strike. Push the wood filler into place with a putty knife, allow it to dry for the specified length of time and sand it smooth. Paint over the area to give it a completed appearance.