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The Advantages to Converting a Doorway Into an Archway

Archways provide many advantages over boring doorways. A doorway feels like a barrier between spaces while archways open up the area and make it feel more spacious. Doorways consist of straight lines while archways add curves and architectural detail to your home. Converting your existing doorway to an archway will provide you with aesthetic and monetary benefits.
  1. Architectural Detail

    • Archways are not as common as doorways are today. Converting your existing doorway to an archway can help add architectural detail and character to your home. This will make your home seem more charming and will help your house stand out among other homes in the community to avoid the cookie-cutter feel. Also, if your home is on the market, this detail will make your home more memorable for potential home buyers. Converting multliple doorways to archways will add continuous architectural details throughout your home.


    • Converting your doorway to an archway can improve the flow of your home. Going from one room to another feels more natural with an open archway than with a closed door that separates the space. The door creates a solid boundary between spaces. Even if the doorway is not covered by a door, an arch makes one room feel like it flows seamlessly to the next one. Coordinating colors and furniture can make the two spaces feel like one large space.


    • When you convert a doorway to an archway, you can use the existing doorway and lower the top by 1 to 2 inches, or you can extend the opening to make the entry wider. If you convert your smaller doorway into a large archway, more people can walk through the area at a time without making the surrounding area feel claustrophobic. Although the difference in space of the opening will likely be only a few feet, this change can feel dramatic in a small room.


    • Archways provide a more open-concept feel than doorways. Open-concept homes provide fewer boundaries between homes and allow one space to seamlessly flow into another. If you convert a doorway between a family room and the kitchen, you can cook while still being able to monitor your children in the adjoining room. Open-concept spaces also help make your home more accessible for entertainment. If your home is on the market, this open-concept will be a feature that many home buyers are looking for. Many construction companies are opting to build smaller homes since the real estate fallout, and archways will make the home seem more open and bigger.