Home Garden

Rebuilding Door Headers

Whether you’re installing a new exterior door or want to add a new style of door inside your home, you may need to build a new frame to fit the new door. Additionally, you’ll need to rebuild the header, or boards that make up the top of the door frame. Rebuilding door headers involves securing 2-by-10-inch boards atop 2-by-4-inch frame studs. Using existing wall studs to help secure the header will ensure a firm fitting for the door.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Reciprocating saw
  • Chisel
  • Tape measure
  • Jigsaw
  • Five 2-by-4-inch boards
  • 6-inch nails
  • Two 2-by-10-inch boards
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    • 1

      Insert the end of a small screwdriver beneath the door hinge. Tap the handle of the screwdriver with a hammer to remove the pins from the hinge.

    • 2

      Lift the door from its hinges. Pry the trim away at this time.

    • 3

      Cut the nails holding the doorjambs in place with the reciprocating saw. Pry the jambs and the threshold plate away from wall studs and drywall.

    • 4

      Measure the opening and add 6 inches to determine the dimensions for the new door and frame. Chisel away any drywall inside these measurements.

    • 5

      Frame the door opening with 2-by-4-inch boards. Place two boards vertically against the wall studs and one board horizontally across the top of the two boards. Nail these boards together to form the rectangular frame.

    • 6

      Measure the height of the new door plus 1 inch to determine the position of the header. Draw a line on the two side studs to mark the place for the bottom of the header boards.

    • 7

      Nail two 2-by-4-inch boards on either side of the frame to create trimmer studs. The header boards will rest on top of these boards.

    • 8

      Cut the 2-by-10-inch boards to fit inside the opening. Place the boards in the marked position and on top of the trimmer studs; nail the two header boards together.

    • 9

      Hold a 6-inch nail a half inch from the end of the left side of the header board and wall stud behind it. Hammer the nail straight into the header board until it recesses into the board a quarter inch, then hold the nail at a 45 degree angle and continue to pound the nail into the wall stud. Secure the other end of the header board in the same fashion.