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How to Make a Drywall Popcorn Finish

A drywall texture installer usually applies popcorn-style texture to a ceiling. Popcorn, a spray-on drywall texture, uses vermiculite or polystyrene to create a rough surface that deadens the acoustics of a room. Drywall texture manufacturers make popcorn with coarse, medium and fine finishes. Popcorn texture covers the imperfections in the drywall, creating a flat-looking surface. Always use extreme caution when removing old popcorn texture from homes built in the 1980s and earlier. Older homes often used popcorn texture containing asbestos.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic sheeting
  • Masking tape
  • Flat white primer
  • Paint roller
  • Water
  • Bucket
  • Electric drill
  • Paddle bit
  • Electric texture sprayer
  • Air compressor
  • Air hose
  • Hopper gun
  • Rag
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      Cover all surfaces not receiving popcorn texture with plastic sheeting. Use masking tape to hold the plastic in place.

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      Coat the drywall with a flat white primer, using a paint roller to spread the primer. Painting the drywall with primer prior to applying the popcorn texture eliminates dark spots in the finished texture. Let the primer dry before continuing.

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      Combine a bag of premixed popcorn texture and water in a bucket, using the texture manufacturer's recommended ratio. Premixed bags of popcorn texture contain all of the needed ingredients except water.

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      Stir the popcorn mixture in the bucket with an electric drill equipped with a paddle bit. Mix the popcorn until its texture matches that of lumpy cream.

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      Fill a texture hopper with the popcorn texture. An electric texture sprayer contains the hopper and an electric motor-driven sprayer in a single hand-held unit. A compressor-driven hopper needs an air compressor, an air hose and a hopper gun.

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      Hold the texture hopper 10 to 12 inches away from the drywall. Apply the popcorn texture to a small area. Adjust the hopper's pressure until the popcorn reaches the desired texture. Clean the drywall's test area with a rag.

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      Spray the popcorn texture onto the drywall, using back-and-forth motions. Start in a corner of the drywall, and work across its surface. Use even strokes, and do not pause in any areas.

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      Let the popcorn texture dry on the drywall for 48 hours before painting.