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How to Build a Mud Roof

The thought of getting lost in the woods terrifies many people. When lost outdoors, you are exposed to the elements and unsure of how to find food and shelter. A basic hut, with logs for the frame and mud for the walls and roof, protects you from bad weather and wild animals. It allows you to live comfortably while you await rescue. Building a mud hut is also an ideal activity for teaching survival techniques during a camping trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Logs and branches
  • Saplings
  • Handsaw or axe
  • Rope (optional)
  • Mud
  • Dried grass
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    • 1

      Locate wood to build the hut's frame. Find three logs for the door frame and eight logs or branches for the vertical wall supports. Find at least 10 large branches for horizontal wall supports.

    • 2

      Pull up four small, stout saplings for the roof base. If you cannot find saplings, use logs instead.

    • 3

      Sharpen the tips of the vertical supports with a handsaw, axe or other sharp tool. Carve forked notches into the butt of each vertical support.

    • 4

      Drive the two strongest logs into the ground, sharpened side down, to form the hut's corners. Space the two logs about 10 feet apart. Place two more strong logs between the corners, approximately 3 feet apart, to form the door frame. Drive the remaining vertical supports into the ground to form two walls.

    • 5

      Lay a sturdy log or branch horizontally atop the two vertical door frame logs. Nestle the horizontal log into the notches you made on the vertical supports. Use rope to lash the logs together, if possible.

    • 6

      Jam the tips of the saplings or logs into the ground at the back of the hut. Lay the saplings or logs parallel to the wall frames to make the roof frame. Let the end of the saplings hang over the door frame. If you have rope, tie the saplings together to secure them.

    • 7

      Prepare mortar for the walls and roof by mixing two parts mud to one part dried grass. If the mud is too thin, add more dirt and dried grass. If it is too thick to work with, add water.

    • 8

      Spread a line of the mud mortar on the ground where you want to build a wall. Press a log or branch into the mud. Add a layer of mud on top of the log, and then press another log into the mud. Repeat this process to form the walls and roof.

    • 9

      Apply a heavy layer of mud to the entire hut when you finish building the walls and roof. Spread a 6-inch layer of mud over the roof. This seals the walls and roof so no water can get in.

    • 10

      Allow the mud hut to dry. This usually takes several days. Once dry, the mud hut is very sturdy and secure.