Home Garden

How to Remove Nailed Down Carpeting

You have carpeting in a room or area in your home you want to remove. You can replace the carpeting with hardwood, new carpeting or leave the floor uncovered. Carpeting is installed using a variety of methods, including glue, tackstrips, staples and even by nailing it directly to the floor underneath. When removing nailed-down carpet, remove both the carpeting and any remaining nails. Nails left in the floor can interfere with the new flooring you are installing or can hurt someone walking on the uncovered surface.

Things You'll Need

  • Work gloves
  • Pry bar
  • Utility knife
  • Claw hammer
  • Broom
  • Dust pan
  • Trash bag or can
  • Flashlight
  • Pliers
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    • 1

      Remove any furnishings from the room or area containing the nailed-down carpeting you want to remove. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.

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      Start at one corner of the room or area and pull back the carpet using a pry bar and your hands. Use force to pull the carpeting back if it seems stuck to the floor.

      If the carpeting has padding underneath, remove it if you want to get to the flooring below. If you are reusing the padding, check the condition of it and decide if you want to keep it or remove it.

    • 3

      Use a utility knife to cut the sections of carpet into pieces. Work in 4-foot sections to make it easier.

      If you have someone who can help, have them start in the opposite corner, pulling and cutting the carpeting.

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      Use a claw hammer to pull up any nails the pry bar can't get loose.

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      Continue pulling and cutting the carpet until all of the nailed-down carpet is free from the floor.

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      Take the carpet out of the room or area and dispose of it in your household trash, or take the carpet to a landfill.

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      Sweep any dust and dirt in the room into one pile. Use a dust pan to dip up the dust/dirt and place it in a trash bag or can.

    • 8

      Shine a flashlight around the room or area and look for any nails that are sticking up in the floor. Use a claw hammer to pull up the nails. If any nails are too small for the hammer or the heads have broken off, use a pair of pliers to pull up the nails.

      If you are keeping the padding underneath the carpeting, still sweep the floor and remove any nails that are sticking up.

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      Use a pry bar or claw hammer to remove any tackstrips that may be present along the walls of the room or area.

      If you are reinstalling new carpeting in the room or area, consider keeping the tackstrips if they are in good condition.

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      Re-sweep the floor and look for any remaining nails and remove them before installing new flooring or leaving the floor uncovered.