Home Garden

Cons of Carpet Tiles

While carpet tiles present an affordable, easy-to-install and versatile alternative to traditional carpets, this form of utilitarian flooring comes with its fair share of drawbacks. Carpet tiles -- or modular carpet -- sometimes stresses convenience over durability or aesthetic quality. As with any type of flooring, ensure your preparation and installation is performed right to avoid additional problems; cutting corners during installation may cut years off the life of your modular carpet.
  1. Appearance

    • Traditional carpets offer more intricate styles than carpet squares.

      As advanced as modular carpet may become, by its very nature it will never be a singular piece of flooring. While this quality endows carpet tiles with their inherent flexibility, it may lead to a disjointed appearance or a lack of cohesion. Though proper layout planning and measuring help minimize the appearance of seams between individual squares, the seams will always be present in some form. High-end or luxury carpet tiles help remedy this problem, but seams may nonetheless detract from the carpet's aesthetic quality. Because they lag behind traditional carpets in popularity, carpet tiles do not come in as many color or texture options as traditional carpet rolls.


    • Don't cut corners on high-quality carpet glue.

      Especially if installed using a low-quality or off-brand adhesive, carpet tiles may develop problems when it comes to staying grounded. Likewise, if carpet tiles are improperly fitted during installation, bumps and uneven surfaces may occur. These bumps cause a nasty cycle; trying to correct one bump may cause another, leading to a chain reaction of imperfections. Vacuuming, kicking, tripping, moisture and other factors may cause carpet tile adhesive to weaken over time, which leads to displaced tiles.


    • If improperly installed, individual carpet tiles may curl over time. Once again, low-quality adhesive is often to blame. As the adhesive loses its sticking power, it causes the edges of the squares to curl upward, which presents a safety hazard as people are likely to trip over the curled edges. Curled carpet tile edges also draw further attention to the seams and create larger gaps between individual modular units.

    General Carpet Cons

    • Carpet tiles and carpet rolls share some disadvantages.

      Carpet tiles remedy some cons of traditional carpet, coming in at a lower cost and lending themselves to easy installation and reusability. However, tiles retains some cons inherent to all types of carpet. Carpet fibers retain dust, dirt, bacteria and even tiny insects, which may lead to aggravated allergies or undesirable odors. When exposed to excessive moisture, mold and mildew may develop under carpeting. Carpet is also less resistant to stains and moisture than other flooring types, such as wood, tile or vinyl. These combined qualities may make carpet an unappealing choice for indoor pet owners.