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PVC Hidden Fastener Problems

Although traditional decks are made of wood and wood products, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a component in more modern deck materials. Composite deck boards are made from recycled materials and PVC resin. PVC is a primary component in vinyl boards that can withstand harsh weather and do not need to be painted or stained like wood planks. Many PVC-based decks are installed with hidden fasteners that are screwed into the deck's base, allowing the boards to be set without visible nails or screws. The hidden fasteners, however, can pose problems.
  1. Applicability

    • Hidden fasteners can improve the appearance of deck boards, but they are not designed for all kinds of decks. Some composite or vinyl decks actually are manufactured to be installed with screws or nails and even include pre-drilled holes. Other deck boards are made with slots so they can be slid into hidden fasteners. Using fasteners with boards designed for screws can be very difficult. So choosing the correct decking material is important.

    Proper Installation Difficulties

    • Hidden fasteners are essentially small metal brackets that are screwed into the deck base, and they are designed with grooves that slot or screw into the deck boards from underneath the deck. They have some distinct advantages, such as automatically placing gaps between deck boards, but they can make installing deck boards tricky. All the fasteners must be aligned precisely; small differences in angle or attachment can create big problems in maintaining deck board continuity across the deck.


    • Hidden fasteners should be chosen based on the climate. Stainless steel fasteners work best in wet climates, and galvanized fasteners may work best in locations with sharp temperature changes. Inexpensive fasteners may corrode, and corroded fasteners are more difficult to replace than corroded screws or nails.


    • Because fasteners must be screwed in before deck boards are attached, using hidden fasteners with PVC-based boards is very time-consuming compared to using screws, which can be driven in place swiftly with automatic drills. Time is often a factor for both contractors and property owners, making hidden fasteners a difficult choice when the deck project has a sharp deadline.