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Standing Seam Roof Installation Specifications

When it comes to projects like siding and roofing installation, you need to understand the specifications of your material and installation procedures. For instance, things like roofing material composition and dimensions affect specifications for standing seam roof installation procedures. When you purchase roofing material, the manufacturer or vendor of that material usually provides you with a manual. This manual should contain all the specifications you need to know for standing seam roof installation.
  1. Installation Set Up

    • All standing seam roofing installs in the same basic way. The material gains its name from the fact that the seam between two pieces of material stands up from the surface of the roof. The start of a standing seam roofing sheet contains a locking mechanism that fits underneath and attaches to the standing seam of the previous piece of material. Specifications for installation of your standing seam roofing describe the exact shape and dimensions of the standing seam and element that fits underneath this seam. Types of locking mechanisms include double lock and symmetrical. Other related specifications include the length and width of each roofing sheet.

    Roofing Material

    • Roofing material specifications describe the exact make up of your roofing sheets. For instance, manufacturers may use stainless steel, galvanized steel, galvalume or any of a number of other materials to construct roofing sheets. Galvalume consists of steel coated in an aluminum-zinc alloy. Specifications describe both compositional materials and properties, like strength and density. This helps you determine the heaviness of the material and the fasteners you need to install your sheets. Always do some research on the best materials for your area before purchasing roofing.


    • Fasteners is a generic term that describes anything used to affix one material to another – in this case, screws, bolts, nails, pins and more. Specifications regarding fasteners describe the size fastener you must use with your standing seam roofing material and the intervals at which you install them. These specifications also describe the type of material you must use for fasteners. For instance, never use fasteners made of aluminum, which rusts easily, with a rust-proof roofing material, like gavalume or galvanized steel. Always follow manufacturer instructions exactly when it comes to fasteners. If you don’t have these instructions, contact a contractor or manufacturer for information.

    Other Specifications

    • Various other specifications come in handy when installing metal seam roofing. Some types of metal seam roofing, for instance, only works properly when installed on specific types of roof frames or surfaces. Use manufacturer instructions to ensure proper installation in this regard. Other specifications include the type of tools needed to cut and shape roofing material, descriptions and dimensions for special roofing features, like curbs or overhangs, and the distance between each peak and valley in a roofing sheet.