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Is a Soundproof Panel Still Effective Once Put on a Wall If It Is Cut in Squares?

Soundproof panels allow you to make noise without bothering the neighbors. The best soundproofing is built into homes during construction, but many materials can be used to retrofit a room or home to be more soundproof. No room can be 100 percent soundproof without eliminating every door and window, but properly sealed soundproof panels will be effective no matter what shape they are.
  1. How Sound Works

    • Sound travels in waves, and the frequency of these waves determines the pitch of the sound. Waves travel from the source and strike the objects they encounter, where they are either absorbed or reflected. Reflection results in reverberation, strengthening the sound and setting it off toward another object. Absorption, however, modifies the sound wave into something less easy to hear. The sounds with the lowest frequency tend to travel the farthest and require more effort to eliminate.

    Basics of Soundproofing

    • There are three principles to stopping noise. Given enough space, sound waves will eventually dissipate; like light waves, sound waves can only travel so far without being amplified. When sound waves hit thick items, like a concrete wall, the sound wave cannot penetrate beyond the barrier. Dampening retards vibrations, especially when a variety of materials are used and the sound waves are forced to travel through different material densities. For residential soundproofing purposes, dampening is the most useful of these principles.

    Noise Reduction and Absorption

    • Soundproof panels work by using both noise reduction and noise absorption. Noise reduction blocks sounds by placing objects that resist vibrations in the way of the sound wave, reducing their ability to continue to transfer sound. Noise absorption, however, actually transforms the sound wave until it becomes inaudible. Soundproof panels use technology designed to perform both tasks.

    Installing Soundproof Panels

    • Soundproof panels are installed with glue. They are cut to size and glued in place, with each new edge butted closely to the last. When the glue is dry, a self-adhesive tape is applied to the joints and they are filled with a special joint compound. As long as your soundproof panel pieces are fitted tightly together and the joints are filled, they should perform as good as a panel that has not been cut.