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Can Stamped Concrete Be Poured When It Gets Down to 36 Degrees at Night?

Stamped concrete can create visual effects at low cost, but it's best to pour concrete in warmer weather. If you're trying to pour concrete when the temperature drops to 36 degrees Fahrenheit at night, the concrete may not set properly. You may want to consider using a hardening accelerator.
  1. Concrete in Cold

    • Concrete needs to be at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit to set properly, according to The Concrete Network, although it's better to keep it over 50. This temperature is for the actual concrete, not the surrounding air and ground. If the temperature drops below 40 only at night, start the work early in the day the the concrete can set, though it can take several days to fully cure.

    Concrete Preparation

    • Prepare the concrete mixture using hot water. Ideally, you want the temperature of the concrete mixture to be at least 65 degrees, but higher is better. Additionally, it's smart to add a hardening accelerator such as calcium chloride to the mix. Accelerators are not antifreeze agents, reports Concrete Network; they simply increase the rate of the hydration reaction to speed curing.

    Area Preparation

    • It's also important to prepare the area before pouring the concrete. If this area is cold or frozen, the concrete will cool more quickly and not properly set. Heat the area with heaters before pouring concrete. This includes both the ground and any other areas where the concrete will touch. After pouring and stamping the concrete, you can spread the surface with a release powder and cover it with a blanket to protect it from the cold night.

    Sealing Concrete

    • Though you may be able to pour the concrete during the cold weather, it's not smart to seal it. Wait until the warmer months for this step.