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Electric Forced Air Furnace Dangers

An electric forced air furnace produces heat by converting 100 percent of the energy in the electricity to heat, according to the the U.S. Department of Energy. The furnace requires proper installation by a trained professional and regular yearly maintenance to continue to run efficiently and safely. If improper installation occurs or lack of maintenance, the furnace can pose dangers and increased energy consumption which will be reflected in a higher electric bill.
  1. Electrocution

    • If the electric furnace shows signs of malfunctioning, call a professional. The electric furnace depends upon electricity to heat the home and it poses a significant danger of electrocution. You should never open up the furnace's electrical compartments or try to undertake repairs yourself. Always hire a trained professional to handle the wiring of the furnace and diagnose its problems.

    Burns and Sparks

    • The furnace will require regular filter changes to run correctly; you should always disconnect the furnace's power supply before undertaking the task to avoid electrocution. You should replace the filter every three or four months to keep the furnace running properly and safely. When changing the filter, wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from hot sparks. A pair of thick gloves will help protect your hands from suffering burns. Remember that the furnace can become quite hot to the touch. You should consider wearing a long sleeve shirt to help protect your arm's from the furnace's heat.


    • The exterior of the electric forced air furnace can become quite hot. If the unit malfunctions it can spark. You should avoid keeping anything that is combustible near the the furnace. Volatile chemicals as paint, paint thinner or gasoline can easily explode if they become hot. Store the chemicals away from the unit. Materials made of cotton or paper can also catch fire if exposed to excessive heat from the furnace.


    • Only install a brand of furnace that has a good reputation for running safely and correctly. A considerable investment, you should have a licensed professional install the unit to keep it from malfunctioning. A certified trained professional or an electrician are the only ones that should ever handle the wiring during the installation process. An improperly wired electric furnace poses a significant fire danger. If you purchased a used unit, have it tested and certified by an independent, recognized professional before you have it installed in your home.