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What Is Exterior Glue Plywood?

Many forms of plywood are available, but whether they are functional for outdoor use depends on the type of glue the manufacturers use to adhere the layers together. Exterior, structural and marine plywood can be used outdoors. They may contain different species and quality grades of wood, but the types of glues are the same.
  1. Features

    • Plywood manufacturers glue thin wood layers, technically called veneers, together at right angles to increase the strength of this wood as compared with solid wood. In addition to strength, plywood has the advantages of being flexible, reusable and resistant to cracking and warping. It also is relatively inexpensive. Plywood is a common material in cabinets, flooring, furniture, sheds and docks.

    Grades and Glues

    • All plywood is graded for the quality of the veneers and the size and number of wood blemishes. Grade A is the best quality, while D is the worst acceptable. In addition to grades, plywood has different bonding types. The glues in plywood suitable for outdoor use are significantly more resistant to moisture than the glues used for interior plywood.

    Outdoor Plywood Glues

    • Examples of glues commonly used in plywood categorized for outdoor use are weather and boil proof phenolic glue and WBP melamine. Phenolic glue is a formaldehyde-based adhesive and is darker than melamine. Structural plywood also contains WBP glues. This wood generally has a grade of C or D and is mainly used in the construction industry. Exterior plywood, in contrast, is intended for higher-quality outdoor finishes, such as for sheds, doors, signs, billboards and furniture kept outdoors. Marine plywood contains the same glues as the other kinds of outdoor plywood, but the wood is usually of higher quality.

    Indoor Uses

    • Exterior glue plywood also is intended for indoor areas that tend to get wet, such as around the shower and bath, around sinks and in the laundry room. Glues classified as moisture resistant are suitable for plywood in other types of interior use.