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What Is TPO Vinyl Roofing?

Tthermoplastic polyolefin, a rubber-like combination of polypropylene and ethylene propylene, was used for automobile interiors in the 1980s and was introduced in the U.S. as a roofing membrane in 1989. The American Society for Testing and Materials, which sets international standards for building materials, released manufacturing requirements for TPO roofing membrane in 2003.
  1. TPO Basics

    • TPO membrane is made of TPO resin, fire retardants and pigments applied to a two-ply TPO fabric. The width of TPO membrane varies with the manufacturer, but it is commonly marketed in rolls 6 to 6 1/2 feet wide and 100 feet long, although membrane up to 12 feet wide is available. It is typically 0.045 to 0.060 inch thick, although widths up to 0.080 inch thick are made. It is usually black, light gray or white. TPO membrane resists tears and punctures, and it is flexible, allowing it to adjust to the movement of a building. It does not contain chlorine, an environmental pollutant.


    • You can fasten TPO membrane to the roof mechanically, glue it or use ballast. Applied mechanically, it is secured with fasteners on plates along the edges. TPO membrane is overlapped to cover the fasteners and plates, and then joined with hot air welds at least 1 1/2 inches thick. The membrane width is reduced from 40 percent to 60 percent along the edges where wind lift is highest. TPO is glued directly on the roof deck or on insulation fastened to the roof. Wind does not move or flutter glued TPO because the membrane is 100 percent secured to the roof. Gluing TPO is good for areas with high winds and for steep roofs or domes that are highly visible. To install PTO with ballast, lay the PTO in place and cover it with smooth, round river rock that is 2 to 3 inches in diameter Apply 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. per 100 square feet.


    • A TPO roof will last from 10 to 20 years, according to RoofHelp.com. If you remove the old roof to the deck before installing TPO, it will last longer. PTO membranes will last longer on steep roofs and in mild climates, especially those climates without high winds or hail.

    Light Reflection

    • White TPO reflects light in the high 80 percent range when new and in the low 80 percent range after three years and cleaning. The Environmental Protection Agency’s standard is 65 percent when new and 50 percent when cleaned after three years.