Home Garden

Sandblast Cabinet Project

Sandblasting is a finishing process that relies on high-pressure spraying with a mixture of small, sand-like particles. Sandblasting can remove paint, dirt and rust, even when conventional sanding and solvents can't. However, it requires a controlled environment. You can build your own sandblasting cabinet at home and use it to take on a number of household projects.
  1. Cabinet Materials

    • A sandblasting cabinet can be made from any type of strong material. Plywood, fiberboard and sheet metal are all options. An old appliance that is also an enclosed box, such as a dishwasher, provides much of what you need to construct a cabinet. Plexiglass, which resists shattering, is the most suitable material for a window that will allow you to see the process as you work.

    Construction Process

    • Once you've gathered the necessary materials, you can construct your sandblasting cabinet by welding, crimping together or applying tape and adhesive to the seams. You'll also need to cut out a small space for a plexiglass window. Sandblasting cabinets require two access holes: one for the hand that holds and operates the blasting gun, and one for the hand that positions and turns the objects you're blasting.


    • With a sandblasting cabinet and blasting system, you can clean and refinish a wide range of household building materials, fixtures and objects. Wood products, such as trim and doors with layers of old paint and stain, will reveal their natural grain and color after blasting. Metal fixtures, including antique faucets, door handles and light fixtures, can be sandblasted down to the bare metal before polishing and sealing. Sandblasting is also useful for restoring automotive parts that have collected rust and grease over the years.


    • Your sandblasting cabinet's overall size will limit the size of the objects you can refinish. Even with a large cabinet that gives you ample room to work, always follow the basic safety precautions that your sandblasting system's users manual covers. Eye protection is especially important, since stray particles can be ejected from your homemade cabinet at very high speeds. Wear a mask or respirator to avoid inhaling sand particles. Durable gloves are also necessary to protect your hands inside the cabinet during the blasting process. Check your cabinet's joints and seams between uses to ensure that it will contain as much of the sand as possible, preventing accidents and the need for extensive cleanup.