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Waterproof Balcony Material

Balconies without rooftops can experience frequent exposure to rainfall, snow and other types of moisture. If a balcony does not have sufficient water protection, leaks can develop, moisture can sink in and the balcony can quickly become ruined. Since balcony water protection is so important, there are several materials that are manufactured to help provide additional balcony protection.
  1. Membranes

    • Membranes are plastic layers that you install under the surface of the balcony when the balcony is first created. This plastic provides moisture barrier benefits, allowing water to access the uppermost level of the balcony but keeping it from sinking down to the more vulnerable substrate layers. Membranes are combined with drainage and proper evaporation to protect balconies.

    Primary Coatings

    • Primary coatings are designed to form the top layer of the balcony while also protecting it from water. Aggregate products made from rubber and sand are available to use for balcony creation. There are also epoxy flooring coatings and hybrid productions made from epoxy and acrylic combinations. These materials may not protect balconies in very rainy climates but can protect against surface water damage.


    • Sealants are clear coatings applied on top of other materials. If a balcony is made out of concrete, for example, you should use a sealant as well as a membrane to help protect the balcony surface. Sealants do wear out over time and must be reapplied to prevent moisture damage. A sealant layer will also keep concrete from cracking or fading.


    • If you have a wood balcony, you can use a stain or varnish product to provide waterproofing for the balcony surface. Water can easily damage wood; however, a good coating repainted every year or two will help preserve it. In wet climates, a thick gel coating may be the best option for full protection.