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How to Place the Windows in a Bedroom With Vastu

Vastu Shastra or Vastu Veda is an ancient Hindu system (older than feng shui, which it influenced) for designing houses and other buildings to maximize the beneficial energy they receive from the environment and so improve the lives of their inhabitants. It recommends aligning doors and windows in particular directions to allow light and air to enter the building in a controlled way. These directions were originally chosen to orient with the sun's path and prevailing winds in the southern hemisphere in India, where Vastu originated, and have here been "westernized" to apply to the northern hemisphere. Many of the recommendations seem designed to provide natural cooling in a hot climate.

Things You'll Need

  • Compass
  • House plans
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      Orient a bedroom's windows toward the north, northeast and east if at all possible. These directions allow early morning sunlight to enter the room and temper the light that enters during the rest of the day. Avoid placing windows in the south, southwest and west. The sunlight that enters through these directions is much brighter and harsher, and can be harmful to the room's inhabitants, particularly in a hot climate.

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      Place windows and doors to permit cross ventilation. Having windows on both north and east walls, for example, will allow light and air to circulate within the room. Having windows on the north and doors opposite, on the south wall, will allow air to travel directly through the room, cooling the inhabitants and helping beneficial energy enter the building.

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      Make sure that the total number of windows and doors in a building is an even number that does not end in zero, such as 6, 8 or 12 but not 10 or 20. According to Vastu, windows should be symmetrical and proportional to each other in height, although they don't all have to be the same height, and they should all be made of the same kind of wood. Looking at the whole house, the windows on the north side should be larger and placed lower on the walls than the windows on the south side, and there should be more windows on the north than on the south. These will maximize good luck, prosperity and harmony entering the building, according to Vastu.