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Methods of Framing a Hip Roof

A hip roof is a difficult roof to frame for even a veteran carpenter. A hip roof has four sides that run at a 45-degree angle and meet at a common point. Hip roofs are stronger and offer an aesthetically-pleasing alternative to the gable roof. Common, hip, king and jack rafters are the four types of rafters used to construct a hip roof, adding to the complexity.
  1. Methods for Planning and Measuring

    • When planning construction of a hip roof, some carpenters prefer to build it using a square and stepping off their rafters. However, this can result in a greater number of errors. Streamline the process by using templates and a book of tables of common rafters.

    Methods for Framing Hip Rafters

    • The top edge of a hip roof is higher than the other rafters because it intersects at an angle. To bevel the hip, builders either can back the hip or drop the hip. To back the hip, the rafter is beveled slightly from the center line to lower the top edge. When a builder drops the hip, the seat cut is deepened to lower the entire rafter and this is the more efficient method.

    Methods for Framing Hip Ceiling Joists

    • In most roof frames, ceiling rafters run parallel but a hip roof presents a particular challenge because rafters are running from all four directions. This can become even more challenging when rafters intersect. Traditionally, builders would use stub joists to fill space and support the unattached rafters as the rest of the frame was being constructed. A more efficient method is to construct the rafters from the plate to the roof, adding scrap 2-by-4 pieces called strong-backs or stub joists.


    • Create a safe place to work by tacking plywood down on the ceiling joists before framing the roof. Organizing your rafters by length and cutting jack rafters in pairs will streamline the framing process. Choose the longest, straightest pieces of lumber for your hip rafters. Be sure to secure building permits and schedule inspections to prevent paying fines.