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How to Indicate a Light Switch on an Architectural Floor Plan

Architectural floor plans have a language of their own. Because they are primarily used by professionals who understand the symbols and imagery, floor plans use a lot of language and symbols that aren't clear to someone who isn't trained to read them. This saves architects the trouble of having to write everything out, which would make a floor plan so crowded that it would be unreadable.


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      Use the symbol "$" to indicate a light switch. Although this is a dollar symbol outside the world of architecture, on a floor plan it indicates a light switch.

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      Place the "$" symbol anywhere on the floor plan where you want a light switch installed. For a triple light switch, use the symbol "$3".

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      Orient the symbol to the wall on which the light switch is going, rather than to the floor plan as a whole. The symbol should be upright when the floor plan is oriented to look at the wall on which it is placed.