Home Garden

How to Plan a Shed Project

A backyard or garden shed can make an excellent addition to your property. It provides a storage area for any tools and supplies you do not have space for in your home or garage. Careful planning, however, is needed to make sure the shed suits your purposes and creates a pleasing impression. Once you decide what type of structure you need and how it will fit into your landscape, you can proceed to build your shed with confidence.


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      Check with your local government for information on building codes and permits. Obtain any necessary permits.

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      Determine the purpose of your shed. Consider whether you plan to work inside the shed or use it primarily for storage. Decide what size shed will meet your needs. Estimate the amount of square footage that will suit your purposes.

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      Choose a site for your shed. Make sure it is near utilities if you want to have power or water in the shed. Consider whether the location makes the structure visible to neighbors if you are looking to use the shed in privacy. Choose a site not exposed to direct summer sun.

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      Make sure the shed will have adequate ventilation. Store pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and chemicals in well ventilated areas.

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      Decide on an overall budget for building the shed. Include the cost of all materials, as well as labor costs if you plan to hire any workers.