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What Are Some Assistive Technology Tools?

The advent of a number of new technologies has made it possible for people with severe disabilities to communicate, move around, and live as normal a life as possible with minimum assistance from personal helpers or others. These devices and the field of study that has created these devices is known as the assistive technology field, and there are a number of new devices that have been developed to help individuals with disabilities to lead a normal and productive life.
  1. Keyboard, Wands and Sticks

    • Alternative keyboards, wands, and sticks are devices made to assist people with the task of typing information or adding it into a data entry device like a computer. Alternative keyboards are keyboards that are larger, smaller, or arrayed differently than a conventional keyboard in order to facilitate the best possible arrangement of the keys for people with specific disabilities or challenges. Wands and sticks are often used and are affixed to the hands, head, or held in the teeth, allowing people to poke the keys that they need to press in order to enter information if they cannot do so by hand.

    Electronic Pointing Devices

    • If you cannot use your hands, using a mouse or similar pointing device is problematic. Electronic pointing devices are devices that can read alternative input and move the pointer around on the screen. These devices include photo-capture devices, electromagnetic devices, and even pointers that can read brain waves, certain eye movements or head movements, or other simple motions that allow you to move around without physically moving a mouse.

    Sip and Puff

    • Made most noticeable by such people as renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, sip and puff devices allow for manipulation of objects, wheel chairs, or data entry tools via a straw that detects mouth intake and exhalation of air. These devices can control almost any electrical device, and have been used by actor Christopher Reeves and other high-profile individuals for a number of years.

    Light Signal

    • For hearing impaired individuals, light devices can alert them to sounds being made by the computer, and allow them to see, rather than hear, warning sounds and other chimes.