Home Garden

How to Treat Termite Damage

The word termite strikes fear into many homeowners, as the dreaded insects can tear about homes and their foundations causing thousands of dollars in damage. While prevention is key to keeping termites at bay, infestations cannot always be kept from happening. When termites do enter a home, they need to be treated immediately and removed to limit any further damage. Steps can then be taken to prevent termites from returning.


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      Know the signs of infestation: damage to wood, presence of discarded termite wings, and wood that sounds dull when hit with a hammer all indicate termite damage.

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      Inspect the home and determine where the highest levels of termite infestation are.

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      Hire a licensed professional pest management firm and have them spray the house in its entirety, not just the areas where termites were located.

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      Spray soil treatments, from bifenthrin to permethrin, that are toxic to termites around the perimeter of the house, right beside the foundation.

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      Replace any wood that has been damaged beyond repair, and place wood filler in other areas that require holes to be filled. Be sure to treat repaired areas with anti-termite spray.

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      Take preventative measures to ensure termites do not return. Keep any free-standing wood such as firewood or lumber for carpentry projects at least 10 feet away from the walls of the house. Stack wood at least five inches off the ground. Make sure siding and decks are not in direct contact with ground. Keep adequate drainage systems in place to prevent a moist area around the house which is attractive to termites.