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How to calculate dislocation energy of a cylinder under load

Dislocation energy is the stress absorbed by a form as it is shifted or dislocated. The dislocation energy while the cylinder is under a load can be used to measure how much stress the deformed material is absorbing or strain it is under. This energy will be released when the load is lifted. Dislocation stress is a measure of how much stress the deforming cylinder is under, not the maximum load it can absorb. This calculation is used when calculating the energy stored in a dislocating material support like a metal or plastic rod.

Things You'll Need

  • Calipers
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    • 1

      Find the center of the cylinder.

    • 2

      Find the radius from the center of the cylinder to the edge that has dislocated. This value is R.

    • 3

      Determine the distance the cylinder shifted or deformed. This is done by measuring the deformation or movement, such as measuring it with calipers. This value is B. The cylinder may be bent inward or bulged.

    • 4

      Calculate the dislocation energy by dividing B by 2 x pi x R. The result is the dislocation energy value Y.