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Why Do People Use Flat Roofs on a Construction Building?

While a pitched roof sheds water efficiently due to the slope, a properly designed and implemented flat roof can do the same. Flat roofs offer a number of structural and maintenance benefits over pitched roof designs. Many new construction projects involve flat roofs, especially commercial buildings, due to the cost and durability advantages offered by the design.
  1. Easy Access

    • All roofs need regular inspection and maintenance or leaks will develop. This is especially true for flat roofs because the asphalt or rubber materials used to create them degrade from constant sunlight exposure. Flat roofs are easier to access than pitched ones says the Roof 101 website. A simple ladder will let you step directly onto the roof of a single story building, or a basic staircase can be added from inside. Steeply sloped roofs require roofing ladders or scaffolding to access.

    No Wasted Space

    • Homeowners use attic space for storage, but the heat and moisture levels make it unsuitable for most heirlooms or photo albums. If you'd like to conserve space in a new building, a flat roof gets rid of the wasted attic space between the ceiling and the roof explains the McGill School of Architecture. Attics trap rising heat in the summer and a hot attic makes your whole home or business harder to cool. Flat roofs don't create an air pocket above the ceiling.

    Lower Installation Cost

    • Depending on which materials you choose for your flat roof, it can cost significantly less than a traditional sloped roof. Due to the easier installation process labor costs are lower says the McGill School of Architecture. Workers can create simple scaffolding across the roof support beams until the decking is laid, and then the process of attaching shingles or rolling out rubber coatings goes quickly. While many flat roofing materials cost less per square foot than those used on a sloped design, you will have to apply sealant or repair shingles more often.


    • If the roof of your building is leaking, it is much easier to replace materials or roll on a leak sealant product when you can walk around without worrying about sliding off. Flat roofs support the weight of a person easily. You can also create a patio or garden space on a flat roof with little extra work. Check that the roof supports will hold any additional weight you plan to add.