Home Garden

Difference Between Patio and Duplex Homes

When discussing real estate, the difference between patio and duplex homes comes down to perception. Patio homes and duplexes share numerous features, making them commonly confused home types in real estate markets across the county. In fact, the true definition of the difference between a patio home and duplex home is often in the eye of the beholder, unless local real estate boards and builders present a more clear definition.
  1. Duplexes

    • A duplex home is an attached single-family residence, affixed to another residence with an identical floor plan on the opposite side. Duplexes can be one story or two stories and typically have a full front, back and side yard, albeit a smaller yard than most detached single family residences, as lot sizes for duplexes are traditionally smaller than standard housing lots.

    Patio Homes

    • Depending on the area, patio homes share nearly identically features to a duplex. However, some patio homes are detached from one another, not conjoined, as a duplex would be. Yard size and makeup are other differentiating factors. For example, some patio homes will have a front yard and side yard but no backyard; in lieu of a backyard, a patio slab exists, hence the term "patio" home.

    Common Confusion

    • Patio homes and duplexes are so similar in construction and design that the classification is nearly always interchangeable when selling. The best way to discern the classification between a duplex home or patio home is reverting to the builder's documents or prior deeds on the property, defining the home based on the zoning laws and building permits. This documentation is a matter of public record and filed at the local county clerk's office, making it easy to obtain.


    • For most buyers, when purchasing either a duplex or patio home, there is usually very little to consider because the properties are so similar in makeup and structure. There is virtually no difference between the two types of properties when it comes to sales price or resale value, at least in most markets across the country. Talk to a licensed real estate professional regarding the resale value of patio homes versus duplexes in your area to determine the absolute best value before you purchase.