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Cement Industry Projects

Cement industry projects focus on the building and rehabilitation of concrete production plants. Choosing the correct design that fits a location and the desired output of the plant is critical to its success. The type of cement plant chosen has an impact on the amount of pollution generated by the facility and the types of fuel consumed.
  1. Rotary Kiln

    • Rotary kilns are a low cost and low maintenance choice for cement processing. Rotary kilns are part of the wet processing method of separating impurities from raw materials in the production line. Material is soaked in a mixture of water and chemicals and then passed through the kiln where it's turned and dried with forced hot air. A downside is the rotary kiln is inefficient in heat retention and requires large amounts of fuel for its processes.

    Vertical Shaft Kiln

    • Vertical shaft kilns work on the same principle as rotary kilns as they also use forced hot air and are part of wet processing. A vertical shaft kiln is considered more efficient than a rotary kiln due to its main air blower being located at the bottom of a tall, narrow shaft. The air is forced up the shaft, which is armored to help retain heat. While a vertical shaft retains heat well and requires less fuel to operate, construction costs can be high because of the shaft's height.

    Cement Grinding Plants

    • Cement grinding plants release less far-reaching atmospheric pollution than the kiln processors but more dust, which causes a more localized pollution concern. Cement grinding occurs as part of the dry processing of materials. Raw material is fed by conveyor to a grinding wheel. The crushed dust can contain more impurities than kiln-fired material but is significantly cheaper to operate and portable plant machinery is available.


    • Cement plant rehabilitation can be more cost effective than new construction in certain circumstances. Cement plants require a large amount of land to operate and in certain areas, rehabbing the plant to fit a new process is easier than finding clear land to construct the new plant. Also, as with the cement grinding type, portable machinery can be brought on site so the cement manufacturing process need not be stopped while rehabilitation work is done.