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Solomon's Temple Craft

In 1 Kings 5, Solomon sends word to King Hiram of Tyre that he intends to build a temple for God. Chapters six through eight go on to describe the building of the temple and its furnishings, including the temple's dimensions and other important features. Use the details in 1 Kings to help children make a model of the temple.
  1. Materials

    • Use large pieces of cardboard or cardboard boxes to make the inner and outer walls of the temple. Cardboard paper towel tubes may be used to represent columns. Shape the accent pieces and other decorations from gray or brown modeling clay. Paint the cardboard using multiple shades of brown paint to represent the cedar and juniper, bronze-colored paint for the columns and gold paint for the multiple embellishments and decorations inside the temple. Connect all of the temple components with a strong craft glue or hot glue gun.


    • Cubits comprise most of the measurements for the temple. Using the passage for guidance, have children convert the measurements to something easier to work with. An inch for every cubic makes an easy guide for children to follow. For example, the portico that was designed to be 20 cubits wide and 10 cubits long would instead be 20 inches wide and 10 inches long.


    • The purpose of the craft is to help children understand the text of the Bible and the overall design of the temple. Therefore, 1 Kings 5-8 will serve as the design for the temple craft. Have children read through the text a few times and create a list of exact materials and measurements before beginning any construction. Drawing a rough sketch of what the finished craft should look like will give children an additional guide to follow while working.

    Special Details

    • Multiple decorations were included in the original design of the temple, including cherubim, carvings, chains, wheels and pillars. Represent the carvings by drawing pictures on the walls of the finished temple craft with a dark brown or black permanent marker. Share pictures of cherubim and other sculptures and have them create their own interpretations using modeling clay. Paint the clay with gold paint to represent the gold overlay used at the temple. Research the Ark of the Covenant and create a miniature model to place in the back room of the temple.