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DIY Metal Drill Stand

Build a sturdy and durable drill stand to your metal or wood shop using 1/4-inch stock and sheet metal. A drill stand constructed with metal like this will last for years and will withstand an abundance of abuse. Use corner stock for the drill stand's legs and use sheet metal for the stand top and shelves. Adding shelves to your metal drill stand will provide the convenience of extra storage space. Weld the pieces together using an arc welder to ensure a strong hold where the metal pieces meet.

Things You'll Need

  • Welding jacket
  • Welding gloves
  • Welding helmet
  • Tape measure
  • Square
  • 4 corner stock metal, 1/4-by-2-by-34 inches
  • 3 metal sheets, 1/4-by-26-by-26 inches
  • Arc welder
  • 4 welding rods, 6010, 1/8 inch
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    • 1

      Lay two corner stock pieces flat, parallel and so they make U-shape when looking at their ends. Space the stock 22 inches apart. Set a metal sheet perpendicularly between the stock pieces so the two bottom corners of the sheet metal are snug inside the corners of the stock. Position the sheet so it is flush with the ends of the stock. Weld the sheet metal to the stock in this position. This is the top of your metal drill stand and the corner stock pieces are the legs.

    • 2

      Set two more metal sheets in the corners of the stock so all three metal sheets are parallel and spaced 10 inches apart. Weld these sheets to the stock in these positions. These two sheets are shelves to your drill stand unit.

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      Position the last two corner stock pieces over the open corners of the metal sheets. The ends of all the stock are aligned. Even legs will keep the drill stand from wobbling. Weld the stock pieces to the metal sheets.

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      Turn your metal drill stand upright and set your bench top drill press on top of the stand. Store your drill bits or other machinery on the lower shelves.