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How to Make Perfect Lip Ramp

Give your back a break and turn the chore of any moving job into a breeze with your own perfect lip ramp. A lip ramp is an aluminum ramp that rests on the tailgate of any truck and allows movers to walk up into the truck as well as push dollies or motorcycles into the truck. Aluminum is the key to making a perfect lip ramp. This metal is lightweight compared to steel and is structurally sound for applications like this. A project like this is not highly complicated, although it will require the skill and knowledge of using a MIG welder.

Things You'll Need

  • Welding gloves
  • Welding hood
  • Welding jacket
  • Tape measure
  • Protractor
  • MIG welder, with aluminum real
  • 2 pieces 1/4-inch aluminum corner stock, 5 by 84 inches
  • 1/4-inch aluminum sheet, ribbed, 28 by 84 inches
  • 1/4-inch aluminum bar, 5 by 28 inches
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    • 1

      Lay the two corner stock pieces flat, parallel, so their inside corners face each other. Space the corner stock pieces so their inside corners are 28 inches apart.

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      Set the ribbed aluminum sheet between the corner stock so its 84-inch edges are resting on the inside corners. Position the sheet so its 28-inch edges are flush with the ends of the corner stock pieces. Weld this sheet of aluminum to the corner stock pieces. This is your ramp frame.

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      Turn the ramp frame over so it is resting on the edges of the corner stock pieces. Position the 28-inch bar against on of the 28-inch edges on the ramp frame frame so its 5-inch ends are flush with the edges of the sides of the ramp. Angle this bar at a 135-degree angle from the ramp frame and weld the bar to the ramp in this position. This is the lip to your ramp, and the bottom of your ramp is facing up. This side will face the ground when it is in use.

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      Set the lip of your ramp on the tailgate of a truck to load dollies and other equipment into the vehicle.