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How to Program a CNC Lathe Cut as an Undercut on a Core Heal

In the contemporary world of computer-aided design and manufacturing, processes run with the help of tools that use CNC (computerized numerical control) technology. The CNC lathe is such a tool.The CNC lathe is a computerized lathe that cuts different materials. An undercut is a cut made underneath the material being cut. The middle of the material is called the core. If you would like to program your CNC lathe to make an undercut around the core, you can do so with measurements from the blueprint of the object you are cutting. The CNC lathe run on the axis of the material so programming is essential to doing the cut properly. You don’t have to be a machinist to program your lathe. In fact, you can accomplish this task with little hassle.


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      Set the tooling parameters on your CNC lathe controller. This is the control panel that allows the lathe to move across the material. Program the interface to spin along the material.

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      Set the maximum revolutions per minute (RPMs) on the interface for the material that you are cutting. Certain materials will break under too many RPMs. For instance, faster speeds are needed for aluminum than steel. Incorporate the proper amount of RPMs on the interface for the material you are using.

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      Program the turn process for the outside of the material. This will create a smooth surface for the material. Use a roughing bit to make two passes at the surface of the material to smooth out the material.

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      Program the undercut into your controller. Program the cut-off command to cut the end of the material off. This will allow you to make two pieces with the undercut.

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      Depending on how many pieces you need, this may not be necessary. Turn on the lathe and queue up the process.