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Dimensions of a Double Seated Steam Shower Stall

A standard shower can be a quick way to prepare for work or wash off the day’s worries. However, a steam shower is a luxury that encourages you to spend quality time, enjoying the health and cleaning benefits of warm water vapor. It’s especially enjoyable when shared with another person. Knowing the dimensions of such units in advance can determine its fit in an existing bathroom.
  1. Description

    • Steam shower compartments combine the benefits of a standard shower, such as a showerhead and water controls, with those of a steam bath, such as a steam generator, and built-in seating. They require doors that totally enclose the unit and a venting system so steam does not escape into the rest of the bathroom. They can also boast luxuries such as a rainshower head, mood lighting, multiple water jets, an audio system, foot massagers and a sterilization system. Contractors can build them from scratch or buy prefabricated units that drop into place. In both cases, steam showers must meet minimum building code qualifications.


    • The minimum dimensions of any shower stall, including one with steam, are dictated by the International Residential Code, on which all local and state building codes are based. It specifies that shower compartments need a minimum 900 square inches of finished interior cross-sectional area, with a minimum measurement of 30 inches from one finished wall to the opposite one. Stalls with at least 1,300 inches of finished interior area can have minimums of 25 inches from one wall to the opposite one.


    • The dimensions of double-seated steam showers vary by manufacturer and type. Pre-built versions more than meet the minimum code for two users at the same time. A small unit can measure 45 by 34 inches with fold-down corner seating, while a large unit with permanent seats can run 59 inches by 59 inches. Headroom height on both starts at 85 inches. The doors are generally made out of glass or acrylic and can slide or swing outwards.


    • The key to a custom double-seated steam shower is the steam generator, which must be professionally installed since it needs both plumbing connections and a separate 240-volt circuit. A 7,000-watt example can handle a maximum volume of 112 cubic feet, with its dimensions of 20-by-6.1 by 12.5 inches. It requires at least a foot of clearance around all sides, as well as an access panel measuring at least 24 inches long by 15 inches high. It can be located up to 25 feet away from its controller, which must be within convenient reach inside the shower compartment.