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Glass Tile vs. Porcelain Tile for a Bathroom Wall

When you stop to think of exactly what you want in a bathroom wall, several important considerations spring to mind. You need a wall covered in a material that is impervious to water and steam, you want something that looks good, and you want something that is easy to clean and strong enough to stand up to heavy-duty cleaners when necessary. Both porcelain and glass bathroom tiles fit the bill. Which is right for you depends on your budget and the aesthetic look you are going for.
  1. Porcelain Tiles Are Beautiful and Tough

    • Porcelain tiles are strong. Because of the temperature at which they are fired, porcelain tiles are stronger than ceramic tiles and even stronger than many stone tiles. They also come in a wide variety of styles and patterns -- everything from brilliant colors to a faux stone look. Whatever look you are going for in the bathroom, porcelain tiles can usually provide it.

    Porcelain Is Waterproof and Cleans Easily

    • Porcelain tiles are coated with a material that for all practical purposes makes them impervious to water, either as a liquid or as steam. This makes porcelain tiles an excellent choice for the bathroom. This same super-hard coating also makes it difficult for dirt and grime to get a toehold. A simple wipe with a damp cloth is often all that is necessary to clean porcelain tile; however, when the need arises, porcelain tiles also stand up to almost any cleaner you can find, without scratching. Porcelain tiles will look virtually brand-new for many, many years.

    Glass Tiles Are Super-Hard

    • Modern glass tiles are hard enough and resist wear well enough to be used exclusively in any bathroom. Glass tiles are nonporous, which means that mold, mildew and bacteria simply have no place to grow. Glass tiles resist virtually all staining and can generally be cleaned with the simple wipe of a damp cloth.

    Glass Bathroom Tiles Reflect Light

    • Another benefit of glass bathroom tiles is their penchant to reflect light. Glass tiles have the tendency to make small bathrooms look larger and can make even large bathrooms appear more open and spacious than they really are.

    Glass Tiles Come in Almost Any Style You Can Imagine

    • Glass tiles today are made in an almost limitless array of styles and colors to suit virtually any decorating motif. Today's glass tiles are made to withstand the foot traffic of floors, which means they are not just for walls any longer. Entire bathrooms can now be tiled with glass tiles.