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Epoxy Floors for Restrooms

If you are in charge of designing or remodeling a restroom in a building or facility, making sure you create a clean and durable environment for the public is essential. Protecting your floor area and making the bathroom a safe place for customers, will bring peace of mind when running your establishment. One choice for a restroom floor would be installing an epoxy base floor. An epoxy-based floor provides long-lasting protection in a restaurant or other public setting.
  1. Epoxy Floor

    • Epoxy is a long-lasting coating that is applied over a concrete base. It is water resistant and also resists other substances including oil, grease and other liquids that would normally stain concrete or other painted surfaces. Epoxy is unique in that it is strong, durable and comes in a variety of colors suited to your decor or style. An epoxy floor is also shiny and maintains a fresh polished appearance, despite repeated heavy traffic and cleaning. Installing an epoxy floor in a restroom makes cleanup easy and helps maintain a healthy environment for the public.


    • Decide whether or not you want a general contractor to complete your epoxy floor, or if you feel you are knowledgeable enough to complete the project yourself. The process involves initially making sure the concrete is ready for the epoxy application. The concrete surface must be free of cracks and major divots and try to remove oil or other stains with a degreaser. Fill in all cracks or holes with an epoxy crack filler. Make sure that your concrete floor is extremely dry, the air is relatively moisture-free, and room temperatures are above 60 degrees. Be sure to use gloves and wear a respirator. Using a drill and stirring bit, mix the epoxy components and blend the mixture. Follow the label instructions completely. Allow the floor to dry for at least 24 hours, or according to instructions before allowing traffic through the restroom.


    • An epoxy floor offers several benefits as opposed to tile or plain concrete. Unlike tile floors, epoxy provides a tight seal, preventing dirt and debris from getting into cracks and crevices. The smooth finish is not as slippery as concrete when it's wet, therefore reducing the risk of fall or injury in the restroom. Epoxy floors are somewhat low maintenance, only requiring a basic cleanup using soap and water during routine maintenance. You can also use an epoxy gloss enhancer, which provides a protective barrier for your floor.

    Health Risks

    • While an epoxy floor is a good solution for most high-use restrooms, it can also pose some health risks. Some of the main health problems include contact dermatitis, respiratory irritation, chemical burns and irritation to the eyes. These health issues are typically a concern when you work directly with epoxy on a frequent or consistent basis, although you can experience problems with only one use. Reduce direct exposure by wearing a respiratory mask, protective gloves, safety glasses and avoiding direct contact with skin.