Home Garden

Different Styles of Stairways

Just as there are different styles of doors, windows and layouts to go with a certain design aesthetic, there are a variety of stairway styles to complete the look of the home. The style of stairway you choose for your home will also depend on the design budget you have, as some materials are more expensive than others.
  1. Straight

    • The most traditional style of stairway is straight. Keeping the stairway straight is also the most affordable stair option, because materials become more expensive once you being to curve or flare the steps. Straight stairways can vary in length, depending on the height between levels. Of all of the design styles of stairways, the straight model takes up the most space in the home but may be custom designed to feature materials like stone or wood. A straight stairway is most suitable for homes that have a partial or full open space on one or both sides of the staircase. Straight stairways do not have to look boring. Adding decorative railings and banisters dress up an otherwise traditional stairway.


    • If you like the look of a curved stairway but do not have the open space or height for it, a flare stairway will give your home the appearance of a curved stair in the front risers, but then extends into a traditional straight stair up into the second level of the home. The first few risers are also wider in length, and begin to narrow about midway up the stairway. This type of stairway works with many styles of stairways, including fully-supported, free standing or inside radius free-standing stairways. The first few steps also set the design tone for the entire stairway.


    • For spaces that are limited, a curved or spiral stairway is the most suitable option. Whether you have a stairway going up into a loft or attic, curved and spiral stairways follow the arc of a circle, and for more extreme angles like a spiral stairway, a single pole in the center hold up the staircase. If you have rounded edges in the room, such as a dome ceiling, rounded entryways or circular room layout, a curved stairway will keep with the aesthetic of the room and not appear to harsh against existing curves. Spiral stairways are made of a variety of materials including glass, wood, stainless steel and stone. Curved stairways are often made with stone or wood in most homes.