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How to Draw an Architectural Stone Wall Section

Architectural renderings are a critical part of making bids and communicating your vision to your client. The drawing you submit must not only be technically accurate, but should also be rendered in a pleasing, fairly realistic manner so your client can share your vision and commit to the project. With the right tools, drawing a stone wall section is not difficult.

Things You'll Need

  • Design markers (alcohol- or xylene-based)
  • Black colored pencil
  • Pastels
  • Art paper
  • Pencil
  • Extra-fine-point pen
  • Pastel fixative
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    • 1

      Gather the tools you need for an architectural rendering, including high-quality art paper. The book "Color Drawing" by Michael E. Doyle recommends Canson paper, saying it has a good texture for architectural drawings.

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      Use a pencil to sketch the outline of your stone wall section. Draw lightly so you can erase any lines you want to change.

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      Choose markers that are the colors of the stone. Consider that you will have two or three colors when you factor in shadows and sunlight hitting the stone. Lay down your base colors using these markers, keeping in mind the direction from which the sunlight will hit the wall.

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      Use gray markers and pastels to give your stone wall texture. Apply these colors in a random manner except where shadow and sunlight hit. Use darker and lighter colors to delineate these areas. Art Studio Classroom notes that "when the light source is the sun or moon, the shadow vanishing point is on the horizon directly below the light source."

    • 5

      Add the seams where the stones are joined. Use a black pencil to provide the necessary contrast. Render the seams roughly to give a good impression of how the wall looks. Spending hours to create each stone is unnecessary for your purpose.

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      Use a black extra-fine-point marker to add stippling to the stones, as Doyle recommends. This gives the drawing a slightly more detailed look.

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      Add realistic-appearing plants around the stone wall section if they are likely to be there after the property has been landscaped. Draw plants that are indigenous to your area. Add sky, using several shades of blue to avoid a cartoonish look.

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      Spray your work with a pastel fixative when you are finished to prevent the pastels from smearing.