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How to Build a Hidden Closet

Few people have the option of having their own "bat cave" hidden beneath their house. Building a hidden closet in a home is possible, however, and offers a way to hide small valuable objects. You will need a few power tools and some other hardware supplies. Your hidden closet might not be big enough for the Batmobile, but it will certainly be good enough for safeguarding small items.

Things You'll Need

  • Stud finder
  • Pencil
  • Power saw
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Drawer
  • Newspaper
  • Electric screwdriver
  • Wood screws
  • "L" hooks
  • Expanding drywall screws
  • Fine grade sandpaper
  • Masking tape
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    • 1

      Go into the closet. Stand the drawer vertically on the floor against a wall. Draw an outline around the drawer on the wall with the pencil.

    • 2

      Place the stud finder against the inside of the outline. Move the stud finder across the entire outline to confirm that there are no studs in the wall where you will be cutting with the power saw. To be extra safe, use a stud finder that also detects electrical wires.

    • 3

      Go outside the closet. Go to the wall opposite of where you drew the outline. Remove any pictures or furniture that are against the wall opposite of the outline of the door.

    • 4

      Go into the closet. Cut through the outline of the door in the drywall with a power saw. Remove the cut out piece of drywall and put it aside.

    • 5

      Vacuum the drywall dust from the inside of the closet.

    • 6

      Put a sheet of newspaper on a table. Put the drawer face down on the newspaper.

    • 7

      Screw an "L" hook into each corner of the drawer with a wood screw and the electric screwdriver. Angle the free end of the "L" hook so that the free end is sticking out from the sides of the drawer horizontally.

    • 8

      Go into the closet. Stand the drawer on the floor against the cut out outline in the wall. Put an expanding drywall screw through the hole in each of the "L" hooks. Screw the expanding drywall screws into the wall with the electric screwdriver.

    • 9

      Put the cut out piece of drywall on the newspaper. Sand the edges of the drywall with the fine grade sandpaper. Put strips of masking tape on the edges of the drywall.

    • 10

      Put small valuables into the drawer inside of the cut out section of the wall.

    • 11

      Push the piece of drywall into the cut out section of the wall. Restore any objects back in front of the cut out piece of drywall. Remove the objects and pull the piece of drywall out of the wall when you want to access the hidden closet you have built.