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How to Remodel an Old Church Into a House

Old churches are buildings rich with historical uniqueness that can make spectacular houses. These churches often need remodeling to transform a charming or rustic building into a modern-day home. Many churches have elegant architectural details but lack the floor plan for day-to-day living. Precise planning and careful consideration is needed to ensure that a church building is restored without altering its original charm.


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      Know what you need. Some older church buildings may have electricity, plumbing, or even air-conditioning units already. Old roof tops, walls or even flooring might need to be replaced. If you plan on having appliances such as a refrigerator and a washing machine, you will need to install the proper connections.

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      Plan on altering the floor plan. Many older churches do not have closets, kitchens or even enough bathrooms for a modern-day house. Select the areas that would be most convenient to add any extra rooms you might need.

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      Establish a budget. Know what you will need to add before you begin remodeling. If you plan on doing some of the work yourself, factor in realistic estimates for your expected time. Carefully plan a realistic budget for the materials and units your home will need to bring it up to standard with twenty-first-century living.

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      Hire contractors and purchase appliances. If you are unable to do all the work yourself, locating specific contractors to carry out jobs is key to finishing your projects. When you buy your appliances, stores generally have an option for you to hire a contractor to install the product. Taking advantage of this option can be an advantageous way to save time and know who is doing the work for you.

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      Decorate the house according to the church's original style. When you decorate your newly designed home, keep in mind the time period in which the original church was built. Using accents which reflect that time period will return some of the church's original charm.