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OSHA Eye Protection Requirements

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, commonly known as or OSHA, to ensure safe working conditions. OSHA oversees a wide range of safety requirements for many different types of businesses, including general industry, maritime and construction. One area of safety that OSHA has specific requirements for is eye protection.
  1. Conditions Requiring Eye Protection

    • Employers are required to ensure the safety of their employees when exposed to eye or face hazards. The employees must wear safety glasses when handling any kind of equipment that generates lying particles, chemicals, gases or light radiation. If the employees are working in an area near or around any kind of face or eye hazard, even if they are not working on the equipment causing the hazard, they must wear eye protection.

    Eye Protection Specifications

    • The eye protection must have side protection from flying objects. Safety glasses that just shield the front of the eyes are not allowed. They must be adjustable and be able to fit securely on the employee's face without impairing the line of sight. Detachable side protectors are acceptable but must be on while the employee is working. The side protectors must be specifically made for that type of eye protection and cannot be able to fall off while the employee is engaged in the work. If the employee is working with any kind of light radiation, then the eye protection must be equipped with the appropriate filter for the work being preformed.

    Employees With Vision Correction

    • If the employee wears prescription lenses, the employer must provide eye protection that can be worn over the lenses without impairing the line of sight or causing the protective lenses to be less effective. The employer can opt to purchase eye protection that has the prescription on the lenses for those employees.