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Modern Dutch Architecture

Fourteen architectural movements took place in the Netherlands during the 20th century. The early modern and late postmodern periods have been proven the most influential over time.
  1. Dutch Pioneers of Modernism

    • The De Stijl movement, founded by artist and writer Theo van Doesburg with the 1918 manifesto "The Style," wasn't just an art style but a lifestyle dedicated to minimalism. Artist Piet Mondrian coined the phrase Neo-Plasticism. The famous Rietveld Schröder House by architect Jarrett Rietveld built in 1924 closely resembles the paintings from this group.

    International Influence of Dutch Modernism

    • Modern architecture has been an international commodity for foreign projects. Dutch architect J. J. P. Oud had one of his house designs, the Gallery House, built at an international exhibition project in Stuttgart in 1927. Later, these examples would be referred to as the "International style" of modern architecture.

    Dutch Architect Rem Koolhaas Redefines Postmodernism

    • Rem Koolhaas and his group OMA redefine postmodern architecture to include things like media, politics, sociology, sustainability, fashion and graphic design. In 2001, Koolhaas created a bar-code European flag and by 2008 was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine, being asked to help "design" a new European Union. Koolhaas' project Roadmap 2050 outlines a redesign for Europe.