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In-ground Pool Water Features

In-ground pools are water features built directly into the ground, like a natural pool. Installation requires extra work; you must dig out the area for the pool and install pipes underground, adding to the expense. However, in-ground pools are favored for the look they give landscaping, and people often use them for swimming pools as well. You can choose from several features and types of in-ground pools.
  1. Waterfall and Pool Combinations

    • An in-ground pool presents an ideal opportunity to combine a pool and waterfall design. If you want, you can construct your own waterfall and let it pour over an edge into the pool or jet out before cascading down. Some pool and waterfall assemblies are designed to work together to construct some of the necessary plumbing for you.

    Lit Pools

    • Lit pools are a good choice if you plan to use your pool often in the evening. If you only want a landscaping in-ground pool, you can choose tasteful in-pool lighting to give it a soothing radiance. If you want to use the pool for swimming, experiment with brighter lights and a variety of colors or even color combinations.

    Rock Features

    • Rock features are large rocks or boulders that you can place in your pool to break up the monotony of smooth water and make the pool look more natural. Rock features work well with waterfalls, and, although you may only think of them with landscape pools, they can also add a natural element to swimming pools as long as they are properly cleaned and embedded when the pool is constructed.

    Infinity Pools

    • Infinity pools are a favorite type of in-ground swimming pool that has an edge overlooking a drop. The pool edge is hanging, with a channel beneath to catch the water as it pours off. The result is a pool that looks like it is always emptying out over the edge, an attractive design ideal for landscapes based around the swimming pool.