Home Garden

How to Cut Your Own Log Home

Building your own log cabin may sound like an intimidating task, but it is one of the simplest structures you can build by yourself. If you are willing to do the work, the advantage of owning a home for much less than a standard house outweighs the costs and labor associated with building a log home; however, you must be diligent and plan at least a couple of months ahead of time.

Things You'll Need

  • Chainsaw
  • Tractor
  • Knife
  • Stacking space
  • Flatbed trailer
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      Identify trees to use for your log home. Choose those that stand straight and are located in an open area so they won't damage property or living things when they fall. Check that they are not infected with fungus or badly decayed, and measure around each tree base before cutting to ensure the logs will be the same size.

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      Use a chainsaw to cut the logs, use your tractor to place them on a flatbed trailer, then transport them to the area you plan to stack and store them.

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      Peel the bark off the outside of the logs with a sharp knife and stack the logs in open air so they can cure properly. Be sure they are not in soil or near water. In a couple of months, they will be ready to use.