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The Types of Safe Site Working Practices for Construction

Working on a construction site can be hazardous if all the safety rules are not followed properly. Negligence and unsafe practices are the main reasons for any kind of accidents on the site work. These accidents can also lead to the death of an individual. In order to enjoy a safe site job, follow the common safety practices described below.
  1. Personal Protective Equipment

    • The personal protective equipment mainly include safety shoes, hand gloves, helmets, eye protectors, safety belts, life jackets, rain coat and gum boots. According to OSHA, this equipment should be compulsory and used by workers on the construction site without exception. Safety shoes and helmets are most effective in preventing injuries. As per the ground condition, all employees working near the deep water bodies should wear life jackets without fail. Raincoats and gum boots should be used during rain. Eye protectors are very important, as they protect the eyes from harmful radiations emitted during welding. It is recommended to wear hand gloves while handling heated objects. Safety belts should always be used while climbing ladder.

    Safety Training

    • Accidents on the construction site can be minimized by extensive worker classroom training, including tool use and safety talk between supervisor and worker. The safety training program involves site planning and demolition. Proper work sequences should be planned before the start of work. Availability of medical facilities and access for workers and storage areas for material should be preplanned by the workers. Proper arrangements should be made to keep public as far away as possible.

    Drinking and Drug Policy

    • Alcohol consumption is a main cause of concern at the construction site. Alcohol consumption enables workers to make bad decisions during work time. A single wrong decision might cause injury to the workers on the site. According to OSHA, alcohol and drug consumption should be strictly prohibited during work time at the construction site


    • OSHA ensures safe and healthy working conditions for all workers working on the site. It sets safety standards and demands routine inspection to keep all workers protected at the construction site. The site is considered safe for working once all the OSHA standards are fulfilled.