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Five Primary Phases of Design

Designing a piece of architecture or a structure is a process that has five distinct phases. Keeping track of these phases can help you understand where you are in the process of designing and constructing a building. This five-phase process is effective in establishing a positive relationship between the contractor and architect, according to the American Institute of Architects.
  1. Concept

    • This is the initial phase of the design process that involves coming up with an idea and discussing it with the architect. Once you have settled on an idea and made the decision to take on the project, you move on to the next phase.


    • The requirements phase is all about defining the project's scope, features and purpose, and this is the time when you must select an architect and establish an owner-architect agreement. You work with the architect to lay out the vision for the project, and the architect helps you figure out how to accomplish that vision. The architect can tell you what you can and can't do, and what it will take to complete the project.


    • The third phase is where the actual designing takes place. With the requirements in place, your architect can create some drawings and specifications for your approval. You can review these and give your final recommendations on revisions to the project.


    • Once you are finished with the third phase by signing off on the final plan, the contractor will become the chief player and start investing in materials and setting a timetable. It is important for the contractor to stay in communication with the architect and the building's owner to discuss any changes, options and alterations.


    • Once the building is complete, the final design phase involves getting final input from the people who will use the building. This phase lasts from the end of construction until the building is torn down, potentially many decades later. The architect and contractor can receive feedback on how well they met the terms of the building contract. Maintaining a good relationship with the architect is important for future projects.