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How to Find Out Lot Lines

Lot lines mark the boundaries of your property. It is important to know the lot lines when selling or buying a house to show the legal boundaries of the property. A more common situation is when you are constructing a fence and need to make sure you are placing the fence on your property. Most people are not aware that with a few tools you can easily find the property line yourself without needing to hire a professional surveyor.

Things You'll Need

  • Plat map
  • Metal detector
  • Shovel
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      Contact your local county's property records department and ask for a copy of your properties plat map. Expect to pay a small fee for the plat map and possibly wait a few weeks for the map to arrive by mail. If you are in a hurry, ask if you can pick up the plat map in person.

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      Read the plat map. The plat map will show the corners of your property and where the survey posts are located. Walk to the area where you suspect the survey posts are located based on the information on the plat map.

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      Scan the suspected area with the metal detector. Dig the area with the shovel where the metal detector detects metal. The survey posts will be located about three to six inches from ground level. The survey posts are a metal rod with a circular post on top, which usually are marked survey or have numbers on it. Once you have located the survey post, proceed to locating the remaining survey posts.

      The survey posts mark the boundaries of your property lines. If you have no luck locating the survey posts, contact a professional surveyor to mark the property line for you.