Home Garden

Victorian Types of Embellishments

When people talk about "Victorian" houses, they're generally speaking of a specific style of architecture that recalls the Victorian era of the late 1800s. Victorian style remains a popular part of modern architecture, and is particularly popular in certain areas, such as New England. Many people build or buy Victorian-style homes because of the elaborate embellishments the era was known for, which are often associated with wealth and elegance.
  1. Door Knockers

    • One of the most classic examples of Victorian-era embellishment is the door knocker. As door bells did not exist at the time, the door knocker was a mainstay on just about every home built throughout the Victorian era. While modern technology makes the functionality of door knockers somewhat questionable, they're often still used for aesthetic purposes. Door knockers can be made out of a variety of different materials, but were traditionally constructed from metal.

    Mail Slots

    • In the Victorian era, it was not uncommon for a home to have a slot for mail installed in the front door. As a result, the mail slot is just one of the many embellishments that's made its way through to the modern age, and is very commonly installed in Victorian-style homes. Since many people have mailboxes at the end of their driveways, today's mail slots are mainly used for aesthetic reasons.

    Crown Molding

    • Without a doubt, crown molding is one of the most attractive embellishments of the Victorian era, and remains highly sought-after today. Crown molding is often extremely elaborate, and adds a touch of elegance to practically any room. Since crown molding is expensive, it's not often seen in modern homes, which is one of the main reasons why many people purchase homes that were built in the Victorian era.

    Clawfoot Tubs

    • Clawfoot tubs are rarely seen in new homes, but were a staple of the Victorian era. The tubs sat approximately 6 inches off of the ground, held up by elaborately-designed metal feet that made for a dramatic appearance. While it's still possible to purchase clawfoot tubs, they've become niche items and are typically reserved for those who are trying to achieve a specific effect in their home.