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Principles of Virtual World Architecture

The introduction of computers created new areas in the field of architecture. One of these areas is design of spaces and elements in virtual environments, such as video games and virtual reality. Although the structures are not built in the physical world, the architectural design of these structures should be cohesive with other virtual structures and the virtual context. To avoid disorientation and suspend disbelief, the virtual world architecture should follow rules and limitations like architecture in the real world.
  1. Scale

    • All elements of virtual world architecture should be relative in scale to other elements in the virtual environment. Structures that are colossal or minuscule in relation to their context will jar the viewer and hurt the ambiance of the virtual world.


    • All virtual world architecture should have interiors fleshed out and accessible. These interior spaces add believability to a virtual world project. Furthermore, the interior spaces provide dimensionality to the virtual world -- structures with flat, mapped surfaces are usually too simplistic and do not add realism to a virtual world. In addition, well-designed, complex interior spaces provide shelter and a level of security against opponents in a virtual world video game.


    • Although the standard laws of physics do not apply to virtual world architecture, providing a physically viable structure for a virtual world is still important. Virtual architecture, like traditional architecture, is best when it is shaped by physical and material limitations. These limitations to virtual architecture produce better spaces and more enthralling environments.


    • Materials in virtual world architecture should appear to be pulled from the surrounding environment, producing contextually sensitive designs. Otherwise, a structure will appear to be nothing more than a space pasted on to the virtual environment. Contemporary real-world architects use this technique, and the result is almost always a structure that seems to be of its site, not just on the site.


    • Designers should make technologies and building methods consistent throughout the virtual world. If the world is set during the time of dinosaurs, a coffee shop would seem extremely anachronistic and out of place. Otherwise, provide virtual architecture that is equal to or below the level of technology depicted in the virtual environment.