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How to Construct a Greek Temple

One image that conjures up the idea of Ancient Greece is the temple. Originally, they were made from wood, although as technology improved, later temples were made from limestone or marble in the Corinthian style. Greek-style buildings are still very popular today at universities and libraries. Building your own Greek temple doesn't have to be a complex process. In essence, it involves building a structure in which pillars are used to hold up the roof, which traditionally is tile. The complexity is in building the columns; once they've been built, they can be used to support any type of room.

Things You'll Need

  • PVC piping
  • Chicken wire
  • Drywall
  • Plywood
  • Wood glue
  • Wood fill
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    • 1

      Build the columns in one of three styles: Corinthian, Roman Ionic and Doric. Corinthian is the traditional style used in most Greek temples. The columns are taller and more slender.

    • 2

      Buy PVC piping that's slightly longer than the length of the column. Wrap the pipe in chicken wire. Cover the chicken wire with a coating of drywall and leave it to dry for two hours.

    • 3

      Apply another coat of drywall and use a kitchen knife to make indentations into the drywall. Starting at the top work your way down to the bottom keeping the knife straight. Make 4-5 indentations in total.

    • 4

      Buy plywood and cut a piece of wood that will sit inside the pipe. Add two inches and cut two more pieces of wood. These will sit on the top and bottom of your column.
      Put a small weight inside the pipe to make it stable and glue the pieces of wood for the inside of the pipe using wood glue. Repeat this step with the pieces of wood that will go outside the pipe.

    • 5

      Cut three squares of plywood, each measuring half an inch thick. Ensure the first square is two inches wider than the diameter of the column. Add another two inches to the second square and a further two inches to the third square.

      Stack the squares on top of each other with the smallest one on the bottom and the largest on top.

      Smooth the pieces by applying wood fill. Dry it and sand it. Apply wood glue to the top of the column and place the pieces of wood on top. Put a weight on top and leave to dry overnight.