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The Zone & Season for Zinnias

Native to Mexico, zinnias are popular garden flowers for spring and summertime flowerbeds. Theses vibrantly blossoming flowers are versatile annuals that you can coordinate with a wide array of other plants in your landscape. The zone and seasonal requirements for zinnias vary.
  1. USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

    • Zinnias thrive in USDA Plant Hardiness zones 3 through 9. These zones determine what areas are best suited in the United States for growing zinnias among all other plant varieties. Zones 3 through 9 span U.S. areas that don't reach temperatures lower than minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, they thrive in almost every state, including those that have even short spring and summertime growing seasons.

    Growing Seasons

    • Zinnias are spring-sown flowers that germinate quickly. This allows them to make grand appearances from mid-spring through the early summertime months with a wide array of striking colors. In every part of North America, zinnias thrive in wild prairies and controlled flowerbeds during the spring and summer. They also thrive in the autumn in the Southwest United States. In Mexico, some zinnia hybrids will bloom into December when given adequate sunlight and warm temperatures.

    Soil and Moisture

    • The zinnia is an adaptable flower that proves resilient in dry soil, as well as moist soil. It also doesn't tend to dry out easily, thriving in drought conditions. This is what makes the zinnia a useful flower for beginners in the gardening hobby. Zinnias adapt well to flowerbeds of any soil variety, making them excellent choices when added as simple accent flowers.

    Miscellaneous Information

    • Zinnias don't necessarily require fertilization or flower foods like other garden flowers. That's due to their amazing ability to thrive in most zones in the spring and summer seasons. However, fertilizing your flower bed still improves the look of your flora with size and hue. This is also true with zinnias.